Unsere Innovationen PSTechnology Die Motorenöle von TM Vehicle Power® reduzieren den Verschleiß von Motorteilen nicht nur beim Kaltstart und beim Aufwärmen, sondern auch bei Temperaturschwankungen. MiDEP The MiDEP set slows down the process of natural wear of the motor due to the formation of a self-recovery protection anti-friction layer on friction surfaces of metals. Revelin The brake system of the vehicle is the most safety critical mechanism. For that reason, its performances are subject to special requirements. It is quite obvious that one of the most critical parameters of brake fluid reliability is its temperature properties and frost resistance. Glycsol Ablagerungen und der Bodensatz gebildet werden. Solche Ablagerungen können technische Probleme verursachen. Alpha Triventol The Alpha-Triventol additive system is an exclusive development of the innovation department of AutoChemie Bitterfeld GmbH.